Qualcomm (QCOM)

This text provides an analysis of Spotify's position in the music industry and its potential for growth and valuation. It highlights Spotify's disruptive influence, its benefit to artists by removing intermediaries, and its focus on curation and discovery, which sets it apart from competitors.

Qualcomm (QCOM) - ValueXVail 2021
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In this presentation by Carnegie Investment Counsel about Qualcomm (QCOM), the speaker, Scott Inglis, discusses the hidden value of the company beyond cell phones. Qualcomm is a leading provider of semiconductors for mobile phones and commercial wireless applications, offering integrated solutions such as Snapdragon processors, GPS, WiFi, and baseband modems for smartphones, tablets, and mobile PCs. The licensing of patents for 3G/4G/5G technologies also contributes significantly to Qualcomm’s profits.

Despite facing challenges such as patent lawsuits, failed acquisitions, and FTC scrutiny, Qualcomm’s business model has been validated and its customer base has expanded. With the transition to 5G technology, there is an increased demand for Qualcomm’s products, as the value of 5G content in devices like the iPhone 12 is 1.5 times that of 4G. Going beyond cell phones, Qualcomm is experiencing growth in non-handset businesses, which Christiano Amon, Qualcomm’s CEO, believes exist in every industry.

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